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JumpStats Version 1.7.3 by Exolent
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· [820 кб]
Version 1.7.3

by Exolent

Плагин измеряет следующие техники прыжков в Counter-Strike 1.6:
  • LongJump
  • HighJump
  • WeirdJump
  • CountJump
  • Double CountJump
  • Multi CountJump
  • Drop CountJump
  • BhopJump
  • Drop BhopJump
  • Standup BhopJump
  • Drop Standup BhopJump
  • LadderJump
  • LadderBhop
Доступны также след. функции:
  • Jump Stats:
    • Distance
    • Направление (Forwards, Backwards, Sideways)
    • MaxSpeed и Gain
    • PreStrafe
    • Strafes
    • Sync
    • Duck Count (for Multi CountJump only)
  • Strafe Stats:
    • MaxSpeed per strafe
    • Sync per strafe
  • Jump Beam (прямая от движений игрока)
  • Обнаружение скриптов
  • Любое оружие может быть разрешено для статистики, если настроить (только оружие с скоростью 250 будет разрешено по умолчанию, и толкь с 250 попаают в ТОП)
  • Неудачные Stats
  • Top 10 в кажд технике (лучшая maxspeed, prestrafe, strafes, и sync выделяются красным)
  • Возможность сбросить топ на новой карте
  • Звуки:
    • Impressive
    • Perfect
    • Godlike
    • Dominating 1 (new position in top, but "Perfect" jump)
    • Dominating 2 (new position in top, but "Godlike" jump)
    • Rampage (3 "Godlike" jumps in a row)
    • Holy Shit (+5 more than the "Godlike" requirement)
  • Обнаружение читов (surfing, trigger_push, func_trains, etc.)
  • Обнаружение чекпоинтов
  • Возможность вкл/выкл по умолч.:
    • Текущ скорость
    • Jump Stats
    • Strafe Stats
    • Jump сообщения
    • Jump Beam
    • Spectator Stats
    • Jump Sounds
    • Direction in HUD
    • Prestrafe показ
    • Block Distance
    • Edge Distances
  • Сохраняется персональный ТОП (Motd)
  • Ограничение использование стат командам
  • Легальные настройки
    • developer 0
    • fps_max 101
    • cl_forwardspeed 400
    • cl_backspeed 400
    • cl_sidespeed 400
  • Если игрок вскочил блока прыжок (как в kz_longjumps2)
    • Показывает расстояния блока
    • Показывает расстояние от края, откуда игрок прыгнул
    • Показывает расстояние от края, где игрок приземлился
  • Статистике отображаются только когда sv_airaccelerate  10 или 100

Команды админа:
- Displays the menu to reset the tops of a jump technique.
- Requires admin flag L (rcon).

- Updates the cached cvar values inside the plugins.
- Requires admin flag L (rcon).

Команды клиента:
say /speed
- Enables/Disables the speedometer for the client.

say /colorchat
- Enables/Disables the colored jump messages for the client.

say /ljsounds
- Enables/Disables the jump sounds for the client.

say /ljstats
- Enables/Disables ljstats for the client.

say /strafestats
- Enables/Disables the strafe stats for the client.

say /ljbeam
- Enables/Disables the jumping beam for the client.

say /specstats
- Enables/Disables the stats, beams, and sounds of the player being spectated for the client.

say /preshow
- Enables/Disables the prestrafe shower for the client.

say /blockdist
- Enables/Disables the block distances for the client.

say /edgedist
- Enables/Disables the edge distances for the client.

say /ljsmenu (/ljtop, /bjtop..)
- Brings up a menu that can redirect to the top menu and the On/Off (options described above) menu.

 - If the client has admin flag L (rcon) access, then an additional admin menu will be displayed, too.

  - Админское меню там же может:
  • сбросить прыжки
  • контроль исполь. командами
  • вкл/выкл определенн. техники
  • контроль доступных к статам оружия

say /ljsversion
- Shows the current JumpStats version on the server.

Квары (jumpstats.cfg):
// General Cvars

// Only allows certain teams to use stats
// - a = terrorist
// - b = counter-terrorist
// - c = spectator
// Combine multiple letters to allow more than one team to use stats
// Default: abc
js_allowteam "abc"

// Flags given to players when they connect
// - a = speedometer
// - b = jump chat messages
// - c = jump sounds
// - d = jump stats
// - e = strafe stats
// - f = jump beam
// - g = spectator stats (when you spectate someone, should their information be displayed, such as speed, stats, beam, etc.)
// - h = prestrafe shower
// - i = show direction in hud
// - j = show block distance
// - k = show edge distances
// Combine multiple letters to have more than 1 enabled
// Default: abcdefghijk
js_connectflags "abcdefghijk"

// The player settings for the on/off abilitys can be saved.
// - 0 = Don't save
// - 1 = Save
// Default: 1
js_save_settings "1"

// The amount of days since the player last agreed to the legal settings and used "don't ask again" option
// - 0 = Don't remove the player's agreement
// - (DAYS) = Removes player's agreement after (DAYS) have passed
// Default: 0
js_save_prune "0"

// Enables/Disables specific techniques to be used
// - a = LongJump
// - b = HighJump
// - c = WeirdJump
// - d = BhopJump
// - e = Standup BhopJump
// - f = Drop BhopJump
// - g = Standup Drop BhopJump
// - h = CountJump
// - i = Double CountJump
// - j = Multi CountJump
// - k = Drop CountJump
// - l = LadderJump
// - m = LadderBhop
// Combine multiple letters to have more than 1 enabled
// Default: abcdefghijklm
js_techs_allowed "abcdefghijklm"

// Enforces player cvars required for jumping
// I suggest you use this one over any other one you have because:
// - It has a better detection method (if you aren't using the one by ConnorMcLeod)
// - If player disagrees to the cvars, then the player will be denied any access to the plugins, such as stats, menus, and tops.
// List of cvars:
// - developer 0
// - fps_max 101
// - cl_forwardspeed 400
// - cl_sidespeed 400
// - cl_backspeed 400
// Values:
// - 0 = Disable enforcer
// - 1 = Enable enforcer
// Note: If you change this setting during the map, it will not affect players who are already connected.
// Default: 1
js_legal_settings "1"

// This determines what happens when a player does not use a legal cvar value for jump settings
// - 0 = Disable jumping for the player and make the player agree to be able to jump again
// - 1 = Kick player from the server
// Default: 1
js_legal_settings_kick "1"

// This determines what happens when a player disagrees to using legal jump settings
// - 0 = Disable jumping for the player and make the player agree to be able to jump again
// - 1 = Kick player from the server
// Default: 1
js_legal_settings_disagree "1"

// Chat colors for specific jumps
// - 0 = normal color
// - 1 = green
// - 2 = team color
// - 3 = gray
// - 4 = red
// - 5 = blue
// Leet Default: 4
// Pro Default: 1
// Good Default: 3
js_color_leet "4"
js_color_pro "1"
js_color_good "3"

// Who hears the sounds when a jump is made
// - 0 = No one
// - 1 = The jumper and the spectators watching the jumper (if they have Spectator Stats enabled)
// - 2 = Everyone
// Note: If the person who is supposed to hear the sound does not have Jump Sounds enabled, they will not hear it.
// Leet Default: 2
// Pro Default: 2
// Good Default: 1
js_sound_leet "2"
js_sound_pro "2"
js_sound_good "1"

// The beam type to be displayed
// - 0 = no beam
// - 1 = straight line from start to finish
// - 2 = beam following player position and showing when player ducked
// Default: 2
js_beam_type "2"

// If the beam type is 1, then this is the color type to be used
// - 0 = Random color
// - 1 = Random color chosen from a set of normal colors (red, yellow, purple, ...)
// Default: 1
js_beam_color "1"

// Decides who to display the message when a player beats his/her personal best
// - 0 = Don't display a message
// - 1 = The jumper only
// - 2 = Everyone
// Default: 1
js_show_best "1"

// Decides whether the direction should be displayed if it was a forward jump
// - 0 = Hide
// - 1 = Show
// Default: 1
js_direction_forwards "1"

// Decides whether the default speed (250 speed) should be shown in chat along with the weapon used
// - 0 = Hide
// - 1 = Show
// Default: 1
js_show_default_speed "1"

// Saves the tops between map changes
// - 0 = Don't save between maps
// - 1 = Save tops from all maps
// Default: 1
js_savetops "1"

// The minimum prestrafe speed for the prestrafe shower to appear
// Default: 250
js_min_pre "250"

// The type of server that you will be running
// - 1 = Multiple rounds per map (regular server)
// - 2 = 1 round per map (KZ servers, LJ servers, etc.)
// Default: 1
js_servertype "1"

// HUD color when a player is shown stats
// Color is in "R G B" format
// Default: "0 255 0"
js_hud_color "0 255 0"

// HUD color when a player fails a jump
// Color is in "R G B" format
// Default: "255 0 127"
js_fail_color "255 0 127"

// HUD color for the speedometer
// Color is in "R G B" format
// Default: "255 255 255"
js_speed_color "255 255 255"

// Number of consecutive jumps of the same technique that are all leet jumps for the "RAMPAGE" sound to be played
// Default: 3
js_rampage_count "3"

// How many units more than the leet jump minimum must a player jump to have the "HOLY SHIT" sound to be played
// Default: 5
js_holyshit_extra "5"

// Weapons allowed for stats

// Weapon Names:
// p228, shield, scout, hegrenade, xm1014, c4, 
// mac10, aug, smokegrenade, elite, fiveseven, 
// ump45, sg550, galil, famas, usp, glock18, 
// awp, mp5navy, m249, m3, m4a1, tmp, g3sg1, 
// flashbang, deagle, sg552, ak47, knife, p90
// To allow a weapon, use this format:
// js_allow_weapon <name> <chat> <sound>
// <name> is the name of the weapon
// <chat> is for showing the message in chat (1=on, 0=off)
// <sound> is for playing jump sounds for that weapon (1=on, 0=off)
// All weapons are allowed by default
// To not allow a weapon, comment the line with // or delete the line
js_allow_weapon "p228" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "shield" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "scout" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "hegrenade" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "xm1014" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "c4" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "mac10" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "aug" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "smokegrenade" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "elite" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "fiveseven" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "ump45" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "sg550" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "galil" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "famas" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "usp" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "glock18" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "awp" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "mp5navy" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "m249" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "m3" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "m4a1" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "tmp" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "g3sg1" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "flashbang" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "deagle" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "sg552" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "ak47" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "knife" "1" "1"
js_allow_weapon "p90" "1" "1"

// JumpType-Specific Cvars:

// Minimum distance for <jumptype>

// Maximum distance for <jumptype>

// Minimum distance for <jumptype> to be considered leet

// Minimum distance for HighJumps to be considered pro

// Minimum distance for HighJumps to be considered good
Чтобы управлять, какое оружие разрешено для статистики, загляните в jumpstats.cfg
 Для получения информации о типе прыжка - конкретные Cvars, загляните в jumpstats.cfg

Об установке:
Читайте readme.txt в .zip архиве, чтобы установить плагин корректно.

- AMX Mod X version 1.8.1 и выше
- Fakemeta Module
- HamSandwich Module
- CStrike Module
- Engine Module
- Fun Module

Добавить экстра запреты (такие как jetpack, checkpoint, etc.):
Вы можете добавить запрещенные команды в список, чтобы сбрасывать статистику, при их употреблении.
  1. Убедитесь, что все jumpstats_ *. AMXX плагинов находятся выше читерских плагины в plugins.ini
  2. Для нечестных команд (напр. say /gocheck)- добавьте их jumpstats_reset.ini
Изменение Jump звуков:
Посмотрите в jumpstats_sounds.ini расположен в Addons / amxmodx / configs для инструкций.
Как исполнять техники можно посмотреть тут:

От автора:
У меня так много людей говорят мне, что моя статистика не соответствует действительности. Однако моя статистику на 100% правильна сейчас.
 Не существует оснований, чтобы сказать мне, что моя статистика некорректна. Если вы сравниваете мой плагин с XJ by Numb на v2.2b7, то вы ошибаетесь.

Материал перевел WaNTeD

- -10 +
WaNTeD от 11.03.2010
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